[Date] [Time] [Temp.] [Pictures] [Camcorder]
09-24-04 1:00a.m.-1:45a.m 70°F No No

Report- We had went to the cemetery at night, because we haven't been there that much during night this year. Once we walked in we had noticed that the cemetery itself was quit and calm. We walked around trying to pick up on anything and see what the cemetery was like since we haven't been there inawhile. We were there for 45 minutes before walking out and heading down the path. As we were walking down there we noticed 2 people walking in. Thinking they were visitors one of them shine a Spotligh on us and told us to put our hands up..We were busted by the police who were dressed in black with masks on. All 6 of us were escorted out to where there vehicles were parked at (In the Rubio Woods Parking Lot) & we recieved tickets. Be aware if ur going at night, because the police are now patrolling in the cemetery itself.