[Date] [Time] [Temp.] [Pictures] [Camcorder]
07-23-06 2:00-2:45p.m. 82°F Yes No

Report- It was a nice quiet day out today. Not much as far as EMF readings are concerned. Besides a couple of familes being in the cemetery, everything seemed to be quiet. I'm starting to think that Bachelors Grove isn't that haunted and most of the stories you read on the internet are just that ; stories. However don't get me wrong, I have heard some weird things in this cemetery before, but I've been going to Bachelors Grove for 10 years now and I have never seen anything out of the ordinary besides drunken teenagers and really bad vandalism. It's a shame the way this cemetery looks. It's pretty obvious that no one wants anything to do with this place. We'll continue to visit this cemetery for years to come though.