Report of July '99
[Date] [Time] [Temp.] [Pictures] [Camcorder]
Summer '99 Dusk 81°F No No

Report- Got into Bachelors grove around 8:00p.m and sunset at that time was around 8:15p.m ( Give or take a couple minutes. ) Went with a friend and My girlfriend. Upon entering the cemetery the grass had been mowed and the gates were closed, Kinda found this odd since usually the grass is never mowed. We all walked down a path to the "Fulton" tombstone where we heard noises of people talking back and forth to eachother by the creek. Looking around the cemetery and still hearing these people talk to eachother we had found No One in the cemetery with us That night. We even asked a couple questions and got no reponse, The People seemed to be talking back and forth to themselves and paid no attention to us! We left and found it very ironic that we heard 2 People talking to eachother without a Soul besides us there.